Want to shop?
UWS Open Hearts is organizing a Free Store on Saturday, February 11th from 10am-12pm. The store will be located indoors at the Church of St. Paul and St. Andrew (263 W. 86th St). The store will be offering winter clothing, toiletries, a Valentine's gift station with cards to make for a loved one, resources and information, and more! Everyone is welcome, and all items are free!
UWS Open Hearts está organizando una tienda gratuita el sábado 11 de febrero de 10 a. m. a 12 p. m. La tienda estará ubicada en el interior de la Iglesia de San Pablo y San Andrés (263 W. 86th St). La tienda ofrecerá ropa de invierno, artículos de la higiene personal, una estación de regalos de San Valentín con tarjetas para un ser querido, información y recursos, ¡y más! ¡Todxs son bienvenidxs y todos los artículos son gratis!
Want to donate items?
Please donate gently used or new:
Winter clothes, coats, shoes, and accessories for adults + kids (men's clothing is especially needed!)
Toiletries (new or unopened only)
Valentine's Day candy and cards (empty/unused)
You can also purchase items for donation using this wishlist.
Items may be dropped off at the Church of St. Paul and St. Andrew (263 W. 86th St) on Saturday 2/11 from 9am-11:30am. No early drop-offs will be accepted. We will NOT accept furniture, off-season clothing, or stained/damaged items.
Want to volunteer at the Free Store?
We're looking for folks who can help out at the Free Store on Saturday, February 11th in the morning. To sign up to volunteer or to ask any questions about donations, contact the UWS Kindness Committee at donations@openheartsinitiative.org.