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NY Can End Homelessness Rally

  • 919 3rd Avenue New York, NY, 10022 United States (map)

Note: This event is organized by VOCAL-NY.

More than 150,000 people in New York State are homeless, and 175,000 households are at risk of eviction. The Housing Access Voucher Program (HAVP) would create a statewide rental subsidy to help folks get housed and stay housed. New Yorkers need HAVP in this year’s state budget (set to pass on April 1st)--but Governor Hochul is holding it up! On Thursday, March 27 at 11am, join other Open Hearts members and coalition partners organized by VOCAL-NY to rally for the Housing Access Voucher Program outside Governor Hochul’s NYC office!

Let us know you’re coming by emailing, and we’ll connect you with any other Open Hearts folks who will be there.

Can’t make it on Thursday 3/27, but want to advocate for HAVP? Join our postcard-writing event.

March 26

Policy and Advocacy Committee Meeting

March 27

Upper West Side Kindness Committee Meeting