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Homelessness: Learning From Experience Meeting

Interested in getting to know neighbors with a range of housing backgrounds and experiences? Join us for July's Homelessness: Learning From Experience (HLFE) meeting - which will have a special "Speed Friending" component to help folks get to know each other better! 

Our monthly Homelessness: Learning From Experience (HLFE) meetings provide a space for unhoused neighbors to share experiences, build connections, and provide input that informs OHI's work. These meetings are also a great opportunity for folks who are housed to listen and learn about homelessness and build connections in a casual setting.

During July's meeting, we'll be doing a fun "speed friending" activity, where folks will split up into smaller groups and draw on some conversation starters and icebreakers to get to know each other. We'll be talking about everything from sports to music to things we love to do.

If you're interested in joining us, click the button below to RSVP to Will at Location will be shared upon RSVP.

July 1

Brooklyn Open Hearts Chapter Meeting

July 9

Policy and Advocacy Committee Meeting